Dog Friendly Drought Resistant Plants

Dog Friendly Drought Resistant Plants

Here I am writing about plants again! 🙂 I am happy because this was a suggestion made by our friend Nicole who Brooke and I helped purchase a home recently. She opted to go for drought resistant plants to save time and money but realized quickly that some plants are extremely dangerous for pets to ingest. My goal for this is to provide a couple different posts about pet friendly plants out there and this post will focus specifically on drought resistant plants that are safe for our fur children. We have to keep our yards looking great and our babies safe!

A list for all Poisonous Plants to animals can be found here

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California Lilac

A beautiful and fragrant shrub, the California Lilac have beautiful blue and purple flower clusters. They are able to live in alkali soil with drought conditions. California Lilac grows well in full sun with some afternoon shade mixed in for relief. They only need a little but of water with well drained soils. These are non toxic to furry friends!

Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels


Camellia’s have been known to need a lot of water or moist soil because wild Camellia’s tend to have long woody taproots that extract moisture from deeper in the soil, whereas Camellia’s that come from a nursery usually have shorter tap roots and root systems. While it is said Camellia’s need ample water, they are a staple in Southern California gardens and can thrive with just rainfall. Their beautiful flowers bring brightness and color to any garden or backyard.

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African Daisy

The beautiful purples of African Daisies are a fantastic addition to a backyard or garden. Pairing them with foliage can be a great way to achieve a nice pop of color. African Daisies thrive in bright light. They actually close up at night and will not open in cloudy or overcast weather. Although they are drought tolerant they thrive best when they get 1 inch of water a week. During periods of drought or high heat they are known to slow and go dormant. You can rest easy because the African Daisy is not toxic to dogs, cats or horses.

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Coral Bells

Coral Bells are an easy addition to any garden and can provide some beautiful deep red, coral and white colors to your outdoor space. Due to them growing naturally in mountain terrain, they thrive in shade and filtered sun. Coral Bells do well with well filtered soil and occasional watering. Thankfully Coral Bells are not toxic to dogs, cats or horses!

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When people think of Rosemary it is usually in the context of cooking, but as an ornamental plant in a garden, not so much. You can get the best of both worlds with Rosemary! A great and low maintenance addition to your landscape, Rosemary thrives by just being left alone. They really just need well-drained soil and direct sunlight. We can rest easy and enjoy our Rosemary landscape knowing that they are not toxic to our doggos and cattos.

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Oregon Grape

The Oregon Grape is a drought tolerant evergreen shrub that grows around 6 ft tall. They can thrive in a variety of light conditions from full sun to full shade. They do best with something right in the middle. The Oregon Grape does not require a lot of water and needs well-drained soil. A beautiful addition to your landscape and safe for pets!

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